Paid Digital: Example of a crystal-clear value proposition

As a marketing exec, I'm targeted with many, many campaigns, and sometimes I find fantastic inspiration. Here's one I recently added to my Marketing Ideas database!

I got this paid Facebook ad from Trend Candy a few weeks back:

I watched some of the video, clicked through the ad flow, Google-searched for Tech Candy to gauge their footprint, and also headed over to their website. Their messaging is ultra-consistent and strong.

Why I like it:

1. Crystal clear 💎 value proposition

  • Easy, even enjoyable to absorb
  • Messaging nuggets: "watch this training," "years' worth of content," "implement strategy FOR you"
  • Narrow focus on marketing surveys
  • Clear understanding of what B2B marketers need

2. Great video

  • Video (check it out here) isn't over-produced or 
  • Justin Ethington looks like the marketers he's serving, working remotely
  • He doesn't look too fancy, which appeals to me - IMHO fancy can mean expensive
  • He's done a great job of looking at the camera 😆

If you're going to work with an agency, you're working with people. I imagine Justin has too much business to personally handle every client - doing FB ads is a high-volume play, right? But it gives enough of a personal touch that I'm interested.

3. Strong web pages

Trend Candy has one page for their site, no navigation: 

The page linked to the FB ad is this one which gives me all the info I need - client references, placement examples and even pricing. They look like a legit group delivering a lot of value to a lot of known B2B companies.

  • The web design isn't the best I've ever seen! But the content makes up for it. 
  • Love the up-front pricing: $9K-$14K. Probably makes their sales funnel more efficient - less time spent with marketing teams who want it but can't afford it.

Having delivered annual survey campaigns in the past, I'd definitely look them up in future when the time was right.

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